Simi Valley police check up on sex offenders

Simi Valley detectives conducted a sex registrant compliance check Saturday morning in the city, officials said. The checks were made between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. throughout the city, police said. Authorities said of 120 registered sex offenders in Simi Valley, 105 were found to be in compliance with their registration requirements.

Detectives will continue to investigate the other 15 people who were not at their residence during the checks to determine whether they have violated any requirements, officials said. Full Article

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Does this sound like a form of parole, even after their release.. They could be out fishing or doing laundry at a laundry mat

Whow i hope they saved some money for the legal fees and did not spend it all on this wasted task force effort. just another opportunity to say RSO are law abiding citizens. I’m sure the officers had better things to do UMMM go after criminals?????? if I was a resident in simi valley I would say, put this money into a fund for childrens counseling needs for families who cannot afford abused children help!!! Get a life People… I mean do they really think this will help? they need to re-elect new members…does anyone even know how many children over the past 10 years have been dragged into a home during holloween in simi valley by a RSO???? what do they base their actions on…. SAD!!!

I certainly agree with your comments Janice! Unless your on probation/parole, there is no law requiring you to even answer your door or answer ANY questions a police officer asks you! Maybe they were at work, on vacation or maybe out for a run? How ridiculous! I plead non contest to a wobbler 17-years ago and received Summary Probation/my charges have all been dismissed for years! This started happening on an annual basis to me and the cops were rather rude when I answered the door/I stopped answering the door! If an officer knocks, go to the door and ask how you may help them without answering the door! You font have to answer anything!

Well at least they didn’t go so far as to call it a sex offender “sweep” in the news like they have in the past. I’m thinking this has nothing at all to do with being a citywide “compliance check” and more to do with having to hand deliver copies of the new ordinance they will be expecting registrants to follow there on Halloween. That is, unless a federal judge blocks it as petitioned.